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5 Reasons to have a WordPress Website

Posted in Design, Responsive, Themes, WordpressTagged ,

In today’s world everyone is moving toward wordpress websites everyone wants their store to be on wordpress but the question raised here, WHY? What are the reasons wordpress have that makes people more comfortable with it. Have you ever think about it?

Well there are several reasons that pushes people toward having a wordpress website but before letting you know the top 5 reasons to have a wordpress website I would like to tell you something more about wordpress.

Well wordpress is a most easiest Content Management System system that enable even a new user to design website, Its provided features such like plugins, themes really plays an important role that makes a new user a web developer.

Now lets talk about the 5 reasons to have wordpress website.

1. Simplicity
Wordpress provides simple platform that help you to install and make your dreamed website, There is no condition of having web developer experience in order to start building your own website, Here you just need to drag and drop elements according to your need.

2. User Management
Wordpress provides you Role feature in itself, Let suppose if you have a blog, In it there can be a Admin who handle controls of blog, A craters who creates blog posts, so by using wordpress you can set roles for each person and it will be very easy to handle contributors in your blog. WordPress provides credentials for each of its Role.

3. Security
WordPress also make it easy to keep your website up-to-date, by keeping your wordpress website up-to-date, also it will update your site security features, some WordPress software updates itself automatically, to prevent security vulnerabilities, and you can choose whether you want your plugins to update automatically or whether you’ll handle those updates yourself.

4. SEO
WordPress make it easy for its users to make website search engine optimized, It provides many plugins such as Rank Math, Yoast etc, Such plugins will automatically manage your website SEO according to latest trends that will plays a important role in SEO of a website.

5. Theme and Plugin System
Themes and Plugins! These are the most useful features provided by wordpress, The combination of both will make your website like WoW. There are thousands of themes and plugins that you can use in your website. Let suppose if you are looking to build a website that is going to be used for business & you want to place a newsletter subscribe button in it through which visitors can subscribe your newsletter in order to get updates so what you have to do is, Search a business theme according to your need, install it then search a plugin for newsletter install it as well put your desire data in your site and your website for business is ready to go live. That’s how wordpress works.

I hope this blog will help you to understand the importance of wordpress. You can build you own site by yourself but if you are looking for a website that is big in scope and you are not be able to develop by yourself, so you can contact HTML-WP for your support. We will develop a website for you. We work for you as like your partner in development and we provide you the best trendy website to full-fill your goals.